
solspice // Branding

Solspice is a fictitious company using Sri Lankan herbs and spices for healthy, natural skin care and body wellness. The organic patterns found throughout the creative embody the ethnic roots of the company’s practices, and the vibrant colours allude to the numerous spices used in the store. A thin, rounded typeface shows the light, modern feel of the company.


Individual project

4 months








Stationary set including business card, envelope, and letterhead designs


Ad Campaign



3 poster ads


Package Design



Package design including carry-out shopping bag, face pack box, and face mask glass jar with burlap cover





The idea for solspice emerged from the desire to create an experience that Raleigh, NC and the surrounding cities didn’t offer. The process kicked off with initial mind-mapping and note-taking. Jotting down words that embodied the type of business I wanted solspice to be helped create a more thorough business plan, sense of environment, and visual direction. After defining the qualities of solspice and how it will contribute to the community, I wrote a creative brief that identifies the business’ target audience, current market, significance, and goals.

I soon ventured into sketching multiple concepts for each of the suite of materials: logo, stationary set, ad campaign, and package design. Soon after, I took a few solid sketches for each piece into Illustrator and Photoshop for further development. While these materials are all distinct in their content, each piece ties back to a cohesive visual system and strategic plan guided by the creative brief.

Below are process shots showing the initial concepting of the brand and its various components.